
BUCHEN UmweltService locations

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Zwei Männer stehen mit blauen Schutzanzügen und verschränkten Armen fröhlich vor einem BUCHEN Fahrzeug.

Removal of contaminated materials.
Experts for projects with tough requirements.

Our services for the removal of contaminated materials cover the entire process chain – from initial analysis to safe removal of the hazardous materials. As well as comprehensive expertise, BUCHEN UmweltService offers professionalism that has grown over decades, the skill of extensively trained experts, and a wide range of processes that incorporate the latest technical developments.

Professionalism and legal certainty

From building restoration to industrial restoration, BUCHEN UmweltService develops a bespoke solution concept for every project, meeting all efficiency and economy requirements. When it comes to practical implementation, our optimum safety and environmental standards, reliable adherence to statutory requirements, compliant approach and full documentation set us apart.

As part of the REMONDIS Group, BUCHEN UmweltService has direct access to appropriate treatment and disposal plants for even the most challenging of contaminated materials.

Building restoration – recovering value

There are numerous reasons to restore contaminated buildings – from fire damage and mould to contamination with materials containing asbestos. We support you in any challenge.

Industrial restoration – safe in the hands of experts

Restoring contaminated industrial areas or facilities demands specialist expertise. BUCHEN UmweltService provides you with all associated services, including dismantling and demolition.

Working with all kinds of contaminated materials (excerpt)

Asbestos as per TRGS 519

AMF as per TRGS 521 and 558

Fire and water damage

PCB (including dioxins/furans in case of fire)

Damaged SF-6 switchgears

Chlorinated paraffins



Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc and chromium VI

Carcinogenic metals and their compounds as per TRGS 561

Wood preservers such as lindane and PCP

Organic substances such as legionella, pigeon droppings and mould

Asbestos removal – a growing challenge

Asbestos removal has long been an important topic, and will become even more urgent in the future due to the upcoming industrial transformation under the Green Deal and the European transition to renewable energies. The EU is striving to free Europe from asbestos by eliminating the harmful substance in all member states by the end of 2032. This is alongside extensive energy-related restoration, particularly in Germany. The potential for asbestos must always be assumed in older buildings or plants, which requires advance intrusion into the building matrix that is probably contaminated.

A case for experts: more than 220 million buildings and plants were constructed in Europe before the ban on asbestos. Around 30 million buildings in Germany are potentially contaminated with asbestos.

Everything you need for asbestos removal

In asbestos removal, BUCHEN UmweltService can conduct anything from single tasks to the entire process. Our services include, for example, technical reconnaissance with interpretation of results and analysis of the hazard potential. In the field of engineering, we develop registers of harmful substances and restoration concepts. When it comes to operative execution, services are offered as an expert company for activities with “loosely bound” asbestos as per Appendix I No. 2 of the German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances. We are also experts in developing low-emissions processes as per TRGS 519, Section 2.9.

Every restoration project has unique requirements. Get in touch and let us advise you on your specific case.

Our services for removal of contaminated substances at a glance

  • Harmful substance reconnaissance and laboratory analysis
  • Assessment of hazard potential
  • Creation of partial demolition and restoration concepts
  • Obtaining the required permits
  • Project management and monitoring
  • Provision of coordinators as per DGUV R 101-004
  • Provision of health and safety coordinators as per RAB 30
  • Construction and management of partial demolition
  • Operative execution of removal of contaminated substances
  • Depollution before partial demolition
  • Demolition, partial demolition and dismantling
  • Material flow management including transportation
  • Reuse of scrap and rubble
  • Treatment and disposal of contaminated substances

Outside our own portfolio, we can also draw on other disciplines from within the corporate group where needed, including scaffolding, insulation, surface technology and refractory construction.

BUCHEN UmweltService GmbH // A company of the REMONDIS Group