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Foundry services.
Benefit from our recycling system for amines.

Amines released in foundry facilities are extracted via exhaust air purification plants before being disposed of bonded to the wash concentrate containing sulphuric acid. BUCHEN UmweltService’s foundry services offer you a process that is both environmentally friendly and economical: We take the loaded wash concentrate and treat the amine it contains in our recycling plants to form a high-quality, high-purity product ready for reuse.

Perfect loop with little administrative effort

With this treatment, BUCHEN UmweltService creates a closed product loop that impresses in terms of both sustainability and compliance with statutory requirements. At the same time, our foundry services reduce your organisational effort to a minimum. Officially approved exceptions are applied to make the usually time-consuming implementation, documentation and verification process significantly easier. All you need is the acceptance certificate we give you at collection.

Our environmentally friendly amine recovery has been tried and tested for more than 30 years – for your benefit

Everything from a single source. How it works.

Delivery of sulphuric acid for your exhaust air scrubber

Provision of IBC for the used wash concentrate (amine sulphate solution)

Collection of the amine sulphate solution in the containers provided or in a tank car

Transport to the amine recycling plant including incoming goods analytics

Recovery of the amine and treatment to form a high-purity product

Return of the high-quality amine to the foundry sector via the foundry supplier industry

The recovered amines meet all necessary quality requirements and can be used again in the cold box process.

And we do even more for you

In addition to amine recycling, BUCHEN UmweltService provides numerous other services for iron and aluminium foundries, including the following:

  • Consulting on all questions related to waste law, logistics and process optimisation in connection with the reuse of wash solutions
  • Compilation of required documents for all processes and procedures relevant to the waste economy
  • Creation of disposal certificates in the privileged process as a specialist disposal company
  • Logistics and analytics services
  • Our services are also available to foundries in other European countries

BUCHEN UmweltService is also your expert partner in technical consulting, plant maintenance and spare parts service.

BUCHEN UmweltService GmbH // A company of the REMONDIS Group